
Top 10 Essential Skills for Software Development in 2023: Boost Your Career Today!

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, software development has become a highly sought-after profession. As more and more businesses integrate digital solutions into their operations, the demand for skilled developers continues to rise. But what are the most essential skills for software development in 2023? We’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll explore […]


Reasons to Use WordPress for Your Website

WordPress is the world’s most popular website and content management system (CMS). It is used by millions of people and businesses to create websites and blogs, store files, manage data, share information, and much more. WordPress has become the go-to choice for those looking to create a website because of its flexibility, power, and ease […]


How to Create a WordPress Gallery – Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you are displaying your portfolio or showcasing products, having an attractive and professional looking image gallery on your website is essential for attracting customers and increasing engagement on your site. Fortunately, creating such a gallery is now easier than ever with the use of plugins for the popular CMS platform, WordPress. In this article […]


Why is WordPress so popular

WordPress is popular for many reasons, from its ease of use to its ability to manage content. It’s popular not just among casual users but also professionals, such as bloggers and web designers, who appreciate its versatility and power. With WordPress you can easily create complex websites and customize them with plugins and themes without […]


Building collapsible plugin

$ WP_Widget_Archives = new WP_Widget_Archives ();// use class methods Methods __construct ()Installs an instance of the widget.form ($ instance)Displays a form with the input of the widget settings (in the admin panel).update ($ new_instance, $ old_instance)Controls updating of the widget settings.widget ($ args, $ instance)Displays the content of the widget (in the front of the […]


Configure SMTP AUTH for mail servers

Create a text file as follows:# P=/etc/postfix/password# vi $PThe format of the client password file is as follows: #smtp.isp.com username:password smtp.vsnl.in vivek@vsnl.in:mySecretePassword Save and close the file. Set permissions:# chown root:root $P# chmod 0600 $P# postmap hash:$P Enable SMTP AUTH Open main.cf file, enter:# vi /etc/postfix/main.cfAppend following config directives: relayhost = smtp.vsnl.in smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes […]

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